I Want to Get Fit



锻炼程序是无可否认的承诺 - 一个能够更觉得当它好像有没有在当天足够的时间与具有挑战性的棒。如果锻炼总是感觉你的待办事项列表上的优先级最低,你会想,使大部分的每一刻你花打破了汗水。

Full-body workouts are one of the best ways to maximize that time. Rather than dividing your regimen into back-and-biceps days, chest-and-triceps days and legs-and-shoulders days, you hit everything at once so that instead of five or six sessions per week, you end up with two or three.

高效和无休止的变量,全身workouts are also easy to do just about anywhere, without a gym or even any special equipment — and they have unique cardio- and strength-building benefits, too.

Here, you'll learn all about the convincing reasons to try whole-body training and how to get started with the best exercises for you.

The Many Benefits of Full-Body Workouts


"A good full-body workout targets the upper body, the core and the lower body, and it also elevates your heart rate," says Connecticut-based exercise physiologistTom Holland, CSCS

并结合力量和心肺功能是为您的健康一个聪明的举动。在2019年1月PLOS One研究,例如,谁做既有氧运动和抗阻训练成人超重减少他们的风险因素心脏问题比人们谁,只做一个或另一个,即使当锻炼的总量是一样的。


了解如何全身锻炼能够帮助你实现你的目标— whether you want to lose weight, get ripped or just feel stronger and healthier.

How Beginners Can Ease Into Full-Body Workouts

Make sure to start slowly and listen to your body when you're new to all-over workouts.
图片来源:Cavan Images/Cavan/GettyImages

新的锻炼可从全身锻炼退避三舍;毕竟,它可以感受到简单的做一些二头弯举,肱三头肌扩展和俯卧撑,并调用它an upper-body day。但它可能会让你大吃一惊学习是多么适合初学者的全身套路真的是。

"Full-body workouts are fantastic for beginners because, unless you are a bodybuilder, you don't need to obsessively focus on building up specific body parts in full sessions," says personal trainer雷切尔麦弗逊,CPT

另外,您也可以避开一个主要的威慑力量锻炼:酸痛。“很多初学者抱怨是一个锻炼后疼痛或痛苦,特别是如果他们只专注于一个领域,整个训练课,”健身教练说:Mike Kneuer, NFPT

By spreading the effort over your entire body, Kneuer says, you'll be less likely to feel debilitating soreness in any one muscle — and more likely to stick to your exercise plan.

探索究竟在何处开始 - 和full-body workout for beginners你可以做任何地方,没有必要的设备。


Kettlebells are great for full-body training because they recruit multiple muscle groups.
图片来源:Jacob Ammentorp Lund/iStock/GettyImages

To get stronger all over in just a handful of training days per week, you're going to need to have a strategic plan — but you don't have to spend hours on each pump.

身体素质professionals recommend following a specific (totally manageable) rep and set structure, for starters: 2 to 3 sets per exercise with 8 to 12 reps per set.

You can see serious gains following this kind of total-body strength protocol — especially if you have access to a few key pieces of gear, like壶铃或哑铃。我们挖掘例程的专家,你可以在家里或在健身房做少则四步棋。



Push-ups strengthen all over, making them a smart addition to your weight loss-friendly full-body workouts.
图片来源:LeoPatrizi / E + /盖帝图像

Challenging your muscles from head to toe means you'll burn more calories during your workout — and afterward. Full-body workouts result in a metabolism lift that can last for hours after exercise, according toHarvard Health Publishing

Plus, the more muscle you build, themore calories your body naturally burns, even at rest, per a July/August 2012 review inCurrent Sports Medicine Reports


Both moderate-intensity and high-intensity training can be effective for weight loss, meaning it's most important to exercise at an intensity that you enjoy and can maintain, according to a November 2013 report in营养,代谢和心血管疾病

但是,这并不意味着你应该每天做全身锻炼。说,私人教练戴维·切斯沃思,CPT,在健身的导演你的肌肉通常需要24到48小时才能恢复,Hilton Head Health

Learn how to创建一个全身锻炼计划for weight loss and the best exercises to include.
