如何使7的Finger-Licking酒吧小吃吗Miss at Home


With more time spent at home as we navigate the novel coronavirus pandemic, we're all missing our old traditions, like catching up with friends overhappy hour drinks还是看你的团队与其他常客胜利而战。


But you can recreate many of those go-to orders with a healthy spin from the comfort of your own kitchen. Try one of these seven delicious and a-little-bit-healthier recipes — from nachos to sliders — before you log on to your next Zoom happy hour.


1. Sweet Potato Nachos

Healthy and delicious, these sweet potato nachos pack in avocado, shredded cheese, cilantro and more.

This recipe swaps processed tortilla chips for sweet potatoes. Without the chips, you'll cut back on fat and gain a whole host of benefits, including immunity-supporting维生素C和凯利布喇,MPH,RDN,有营养师肠道健康的益生元纤维说,地层综合温泉疗养

If you're dairy-free or you want to remove all saturated fat from this recipe, Gragg suggests leaving out the cheddar cheese or swapping it for a plant-based option, like cashew cheese. "This is a smart swap considering saturated fat is a contributor toelevated LDL cholesterol,“ 她说。

如果你没有新鲜番茄,洋葱或jalapeño辣椒,你可以跳过一趟杂货店,并使用莎莎的半罐子,而不是说,注册营养师Maria Sorbara Mora, RD。莎莎通常与许多那些相同的成分制成的 - 只是仔细检查了加糖!

Get the Sweet Potato Nachos食谱和营养info这里。

2. Spinach and Kale Yogurt Dip

Satisfy your craving for chips and dip with this healthier option that's easier to make than you'd think.

菠菜和羽衣甘蓝不只是时髦的 - 他们是营养丰富,太。当使用你的酒吧,让人想起浸这些绿色的勇士,您可以添加有益的化合物,如叶黄素,叶绿素,黑芥子酶,芥子油苷,黄酮和木脂素,布喇格笔记。

If you don't have these leafy greens on hand, registered dietitian阿什利肖,RD, says you can substitute any other similar veggie you have on hand, like chard, collards, cabbage, turnip greens or arugula. While they have slightly different tastes, Shaw says they willhold up to the dip-like texture





These mushroom sammies are vegan, packed with nutrients and are ideal for a summer day.

Even meat-eaters will love these satisfying veggie sliders. Made with portabella mushrooms, this recipe offers the same texture and fill you up just as much as beef or turkey sliders.

“蘑菇含有肠的健康的纤维,维生素Bnd a powerful antioxidant called selenium, which helps to support the immune system and prevent damage to cells and tissues," Gragg says. "They also contain phytonutrients that can help prevent cells from sticking to blood vessel walls and forming plaque build-up," which offers protection against heart disease and高血压


Get the Grilled Portobella Slider食谱和营养info这里。



What most people enjoy about tater tots is the crunch. However, that coveted texture is usually achieved by deep-frying potatoes in loads of oil.


Potatoes are an excellent prebiotic food, and when you mix 'em together with shredded Brussels sprouts, you add vitamin K, vitamin C, vitamin A, folate and fiber, Gragg says. Plus, swapping some of the potatoes for the green veggie helps lower the calorie count per bite.

If you have an空气炸锅at home,梅丽莎涅韦斯,RD建议使用它,而不是一个烤箱。这种烹调方法将增加更多的充实咬和花费较少的时间来准备。如果没有新鲜的甘蓝,涅韦斯说冰冻就好了。对于那些谁尽量避免奶制品或遵循素食,腰果奶酪这个食谱效果很好,太。


5. Turnip Rosemary Fries

These crispy root veggie fries beat their greasy fast-food counterpart any day.

While your pals may disagree on plenty of appetizer choices, nearly everyone can get behind a basket of hot fries.

"Although they may be considered a vegetable to some, a serving of traditional french fries has almost 20 grams of fat and 400 calories," Shaw says. And let's be real: Most of the time, fries are paired with another high-calorie food, like a burger, or dipped in cheese or mayonnaise and ketchup.

Instead, try this delicious turnip recipe, which has about 20 percent of the fat and 25 percent of the carbohydrates of traditional fries, all while boasting a larger serving size, Shaw says.

While many people don't think much of the herbs used to season their foods, Shaw reminds us that these little plants are packed with antioxidants. "By using fresh herbs, you do not need torely so heavily on salt调味你的食物。迷迭香,特别是含有一定的铁,钙和维生素B6,”她赞不绝口。


Get the Turnip Rosemary Fries食谱和营养信息在这里。





"You may not think of buffalo dip as a healthy option, but this recipe is low in fat and calories so that you can enjoy it as part of a balanced meal," Shaw shares. "Spicy foods also help increase your metabolism, fight inflammation and help you feel fuller andmore satisfied with smaller portions“。



7. BLT White Bean Bruschetta Spread



That's why this spin on an Italian classic is a good choice. This recipe takes it up a notch with filling white bean spread that's higher in fiber. Plus, it includes household-fave bacon, providing a salty, savory flavor in every bite.

You can spread this on bread if you'd like, but it could also be equally satisfying on sliced cucumber, green pepper or other veggies.

"If you don't have white beans, you can swap chickpeas for white beans. It still has all the fiber and nutrients of beans and will taste delicious with the rest of the ingredients," Mora suggests.

Get the BLT White Bean Bruschetta Spread食谱和营养信息在这里。

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