

While most personal trainers will agree that training with weights is a surefire way tobuild muscle, they're not the only tools worth using. Your own body weight is more than enough resistance to strengthen your body from head to toe.

And just when you thought you'd exhausted the library ofbody-weight exercises,三名私人培训师希望您给出他们最喜欢的,最低估的无估价的设备动作。

1. High Knees

  1. 在肩宽分开的肩膀上立刻伸出脚。
  2. Explosively drive your right knee up toward your chest as you bring your left elbow forward.
  3. Quickly switch sides, bringing your right foot down and driving your left knee up.
  4. Alternate side as quickly as possible, using the momentum from your arms to drive your legs high.

"I like this movement and think it's pretty underrated because you choose how challenging it can be,"Mathew Forzaglia, certified personal trainer, tells LIVESTRONG.com. "This can be done as a max-effort exercise or at a low to moderate intensity."


To modify this exercise (either to fit your fitness level or to go easier on your knees), Forzaglia suggests doing a standing march.

2. Hollow Hold

  1. Lie on your back with your arms extended overhead and legs out straight.
  2. 用你的核心,抬起头部,肩胛骨和腿。让你的二头肌用耳朵保持并积极地将下部倒在地面,以确保您在整个练习中都在播放腹肌。
  3. 抓住这个位置并记住呼吸。

虽然this move is becoming somewhat trendy, it's amazing for core strength and stability,K. Aleisha Fetters, CSCS,告诉LIVESTRONG.com。一定要保持你的信徒ath consistent and steady.

3. Walking Lunge

  1. Start standing with your feet hip-width apart.
  2. Step a few feet forward with your left foot.
  3. Lower into a lunge until both knees are bent to 90 degrees. Your back knee should hover just above the ground, and your front knee should be stacked over your ankle.
  4. Hold for a beat before pushing through your front foot to step forward with your left leg.
  5. Drop into another lunge with your left leg in front.
  6. 前进时继续这种模式。

Lunges are单腿锻炼,这意味着它们不仅改善了您可能在左侧和右侧之间的任何肌肉不平衡,而且它们也会冒出核心。此外,您可以通过添加脉冲(在呼啸底部的小跳动),轻松使这些更具挑战性,Carolina Araujo, certified personal trainer, tells LIVESTRONG.com.


  1. 首先躺在你的肚子上,你的臀部扎根于地面,双臂从你的胸部延伸出来,就像一个t.
  2. Squeeze your glutes and shoulder blades, lifting your quads and chest off the floor.
  3. 抓住这个职位几个时刻。
  4. Slowly release back to the ground.

"I think these don't get much attention, and they're super important to balance out the body andimprove posture“Forzaglia说。”大多数身体重量训练都很重视[前面],所以我们也需要激活[我们的身体背部]。“

5. I, Y, T

  1. 用脚臀部分开高大。
  2. Bend your knees slightly and push your hips back.
  3. Lean your torso forward slightly so that your torso is at a 45-degree angle to the floor.
  4. 把手与地板平行,拇指朝上。这是起始位置。
  5. Bring both arms up, biceps in line with the ears, forming an I shape.
  6. Return to the starting position.
  7. Bring your arms up to a 45-degree angle with your neck, forming a Y shape.
  8. Return to the starting position.
  9. Finally, raise your arms up straight out to the side, forming a T shape.
  10. 降低到开始并重复序列。

"The upper back needs a lot of love, and it's the most challenging area of the to hit with your body weight and zero gear," Fetters says. This exercise will do the trick.

6. Triceps Push-Up

  1. Start in a high plank with your body in a straight line from head to hips to heels.
  2. 靠近肋骨挤压肘部,弯曲你的肘部并降低你的身体,直到胸部徘徊在地板上方。
  3. 按到棕榈树中并使用三头肌,以压回高木板。


If this feels too challenging, you can drop down to your knees and perform a modified version of this exercise, Araujo says.

7. Single-Leg Romanian Deadlift

  1. Start standing with all your weight in your left leg and a soft bend in the knee.
  2. 铰链在臀部,向前到达双臂,符合您的耳朵。把你的右脚跟直接赶回你身后。
  3. Try as best as you can to create a straight line from your fingertips to your back heel.
  4. 在这里暂停几个时刻,然后返回站立位置。


8. Body-Weight Squat

  1. 开始站立,脚臀部宽度分开。
  2. Extend your arms out in front of you and slowly bend your knees as you push your hips back to squat down. Focus on lowering your body as if you were going to sit on a chair.
  3. 蹲下直到你的大腿与地板平行,或者尽可能低,同时保持良好的形式。你的膝盖应该越过你的脚趾,你的目光应该直行。
  4. 暂停在蹲下的底部。
  5. On an exhale, reverse the motion by pressing through your heels to return to standing. As you stand, lower your arms back to your sides.


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