Crystal Light & Pregnancy

Pregnant woman touching her stomach
Image Credit:Jakub Pavlinec/iStock/Getty Images



Crystal Light is a powdered drink mix that comes in a variety of flavors, including fruit drinks and teas. Crystal Light offers regular, decaffeinated and green teas, some with added fruit flavors. The drink mixes are sugar-free and you can purchase single-serving pouches or multi-serving containers of the product.


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, or HHS, recommends that pregnant women drink at least 48 ounces of water per day. If you remain physically active during your pregnancy, you should drink an additional 8 ounces glass of water for every hour of activity.

The HHS explains that drinking enough water while pregnant has several benefits. Water helps you maintain regular bowel movements, stay hydrated and avoid urinary infections. Drinking enough water may also help you avoid going into labor prematurely.

All varieties of Crystal Light except for the teas are caffeine-free and therefore count toward your water consumption for the day. This can help ensure you stay hydrated while pregnant if you do not like plain water.


If excess weight gain is a concern while you are pregnant, Crystal Light may be a good beverage choice for you. Each 2-gram serving of Crystal Light has only five calories. A serving of Crystal Light drink mix makes 16.9 to 20 ounces of flavored drink.

Fruit juices also count toward your daily water requirements while pregnant, but they may cause weight gain due to their higher calorie content. The National Institutes of Health advises that juices may contain 50 calories or more per 4-ounce serving, depending on the type.


Some varieties of Crystal Light contain aspartame, an artificial sweetener. Aspartame is the subject of controversy regarding whether its use by pregnant women and people in general is safe. In a publication endorsed by the American Academy of Family Physicians Foundation, the International Food Information Council reports that aspartame has no conclusive link to any adverse health affects in most people.

然而,该基金会并警告人们with Phenylketonuria, or PKU, should avoid aspartame. PKU is an inherited condition in which the body does not properly break down the amino acid phenylalanine. Aspartame contains phenylalanine, so it is not safe for individuals with PKU.


Read the ingredients list carefully before buying any type of Crystal Light drink mix. If you are not allergic to any of the ingredients and are in good health, caffeine-free Crystal Light may be perfectly safe for you to drink. Consult your obstetrician if you have any concerns about Crystal Light products and your individual medical history.

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