Should You Be Relying on Your Morning Coffee to Help You Poop?

Can't poop without coffee? Here's what you should know.
Image Credit:Dougal Waters/DigitalVision/GettyImages

Remember way back pre-pandemic when you were a little nervous about taking a cup of coffee into the morning meeting? That's because you knew that soon, you'd have to head to the bathroom for a poop. Now, you might be able to amble about your house and take care of business whenever nature calls. Still, is it really the coffee?

You're not imagining anything — coffee absolutely makes some people poop.

"There has been research evaluating if coffee stimulates colon contractions. What's been found is that drinking coffee likely increases colon function similar to a large meal," saysamar naik,md, a gastroenterologist and director of the IBD Program at Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago.

That research was a small 1998 study in theEuropean Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology将探针放入12人的冒号中,并在他们喝黑咖啡,咖啡咖啡或水中时监测它们,或消耗大餐。(是的,这发生了。)所有三个饮料都触发了冒号收缩,尽管含咖啡因咖啡具有最强的效果。

咖啡似乎促使身体释放刺激胆囊的几种激素,以及在结肠的最后一部分中的运动波解释Baldeep S. Pabla, MD田纳西州纳什维尔的Vanderbilt大学医疗中心胃肠学家和助理教授。“这导致粪便推进到直肠上,告诉你你已经准备好了肠子运动,”他说。

Research indicatesthis can happen as quickly as four minutes after drinking coffee. So, um, get ready.

Also, be aware that if you are lactose intolerant, adding dairy to your coffee might be the main culprit behind your bathroom trip, Dr. Pabla says. Some people are also sensitive to artificial sweeteners and find that consuming these makes them have to go (and haveloose stools).

So, What if You Can't Poop Without Coffee?

所以,是的,coffee makes you poop。但是,你应该“使用”你的咖啡让事情搬家吗?

It's fine to drink coffee for thePerk-you-Up能量和the clear-you-out BM.

但是,备份(哈!),它没有制作everyonepoop. A rather old study, published April 1990 inGut, reported that just 29 percent of people in their sample said coffee made them want to poop, and nearly two-thirds identified as women. Nothing's wrong with your GI system if you can drink it without the laxative effect.

更重要的是,它也取决于你和你的BM习惯。Pabla博士说,如果您每天有几个BMS,这意味着您可能更容易受到这些收缩的影响,并且您的身体是咖啡博士的咖啡。如果你一周只需几次,那么咖啡可能不会随心移动。你可能不是一个每一天的大便者 - 那没关系。

If you want to increase the chances that your cup of coffee will produce a poop, here are some things to try:

  1. Don't drink it black.Adding cream (or full-fat milk) will increase the amount of fat, which gets those colon contractions going to move things through.
  2. Have breakfast with coffee.Eating stretches the stomach to stimulate your gastrocolic reflex, which can prompt you to poop.
  3. Give yourself time.You know your body best, Dr. Pabla says. So, if past experience with java tells you that you need to jet off to the bathroom after, make sure you're giving yourself plenty of time and opportunity to successfully have a BMwhen the urge strikes
  4. Get in the rhythm.You can help condition yourself to go by reinforcing that brain-gut connection if you make drinking coffee and going to the bathroom part of your morning routine.

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